Google Bomb: The Untold Story of the $11.3M Verdict That Changed the Way We Use the Internet
John W. Dozier Jr. and Sue Scheff
Health Communications, Inc. (2009)
ISBN 9780757314155
Reviewed by Irene Watson for Reader Views (01/10)
First of all, I have to say “Google Bomb” may be the most important book anyone that has Internet presence should read. Owning a number of online businesses myself, I was eager to read this book because I wanted to know more about Sue Scheff's experience and the successful outcome of a lawsuit. Her case was the first in Internet defamation and landed her $11.3M. But, there was so much more I learned than her story.
Written by Sue Scheff herself, as well as John W. Dozier Jr., a Internet law attorney, “Google Bomb” not only tells of Scheff's experience with defamation by nasty people but also the emotional trauma she went through. For a site that started off being a helpful site to parents of troubled teens, it ended up smeared all over the Internet as deceptive. The interesting aspect is that the disparaging comments went viral and ended up on the top of the Google search engine. Consequently, potential visitors to Scheff's site were redirected to derogatory and defaming information.
Dozier’s parts of the book follow Scheff's comments and experience. They intermingle, giving the reader a fuller understanding of how others can control your site by, for e.g., creating anchor texts on their site but using your information and directing the visitors to their site where the defamatory information exists. Or, in other cases, the anchor texts are used by competitors so the visitors are directed to their sites instead of yours.
Dozier also explains how you can protect yourself against such attacks and gives suggestions of some Internet companies that offer this service. He also goes into copyright violations, cyberstalking, the Striesand Effect, hacking, spamming, and theft of trademarks. As I mentioned before, this could be the most important book you could read. It sure is for me. I used a full container of sticky tabs to mark important information and areas I need to re-read and implement.
“Google Bomb” is highly recommended because it gives you important information of what could happen to innocent people if not protected or on top of matters. Unfortunately there are many laws not in place to protect us on the Internet so we have to take our own responsibility to be cognizant and one way is to sign up for Google Alerts. This book isn’t meant to scare the site holders, but to inform them of what could happen if not aware. Awareness is the key, and by reading “Google Bomb” I can guarantee you will become more aware than you were before
Monday, January 18, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Sue Scheff: Don't Get Caught Naked Online
- Are you looking for employment?
- Is your teen applying to colleges?
- Do you run a small business?
- Are you dating online?
- Does your career depend on your reputation?
It is official, PEW study shows that about 75% of all Americans are using the Internet. More importantly over 53% of people are Googling each other! Do you know what Google is saying about you?
If you fall in any of the categories above, you have reason to be concerned about your virtual image. Being caught naked online doesn't necessarily mean "butt" naked, however it does mean virtually exposed in ways that may not be flattering to you or your quest in life.
Google Bomb, The Untold Story of the $11.3M Verdict that Changed The Way We Use The Internet, is a great place to start on repairing and/or polishing your online image. Learn from my story, gain from my virtual disaster that lead to an awareness of the power of a keystroke. Google Bomb also offers great tools to help you dress yourself up online.
For more great tips on maintaining your virtual profile, visit my series on Virtual Vanity.
Order Google Bomb book today and take control of your wardrobe virtually - remember, whether you are applying for a job, going on a date, or interviewing for admissions at a college - chances are very high someone will be Googling you.
What is a Google bomb?
Google Bomb (n) or “link bomb”: Internet slang for a certain kind of attempt to raise the ranking of a given page in results from a Google search. (Wikipedia)
Insure your cyber profile. Learn how to wear your virtual clothes.
Also on Examiner.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Google Bomb Book - Blog of Christopher Burgess
I was flattered and honored that Christopher Burgess would add Google Bomb book to his Blog on Online Safety and Online Reputation Management.
Here is the first part:
Online Safety: Reputation and Personal Brand (A review of the book - Google Bomb)
We all have a reputation. When you were young, you may have been known as the "ultra-smart" student or the one who wore "keds" or perhaps the "bratty one" or the "swimmer" - all labels. And as we matured the labels and nicknames associated with us adjusted. When we entered the working world we all were rated and graded on our clothes, performances, and achievements. Perhaps those judging were our customers, clients or supervisors and throughout the engagement our personal and professional reputations were formed and perhaps you had your professional dossier in hard copy and you also had the "hall file" or personal reputation. Today, the reputation is dynamic and while the hall file certainly remains, each of us as individuals has what is affectionately known as our personal brand.
Click here to read complete article >>>>>>
Here is the first part:
Online Safety: Reputation and Personal Brand (A review of the book - Google Bomb)
We all have a reputation. When you were young, you may have been known as the "ultra-smart" student or the one who wore "keds" or perhaps the "bratty one" or the "swimmer" - all labels. And as we matured the labels and nicknames associated with us adjusted. When we entered the working world we all were rated and graded on our clothes, performances, and achievements. Perhaps those judging were our customers, clients or supervisors and throughout the engagement our personal and professional reputations were formed and perhaps you had your professional dossier in hard copy and you also had the "hall file" or personal reputation. Today, the reputation is dynamic and while the hall file certainly remains, each of us as individuals has what is affectionately known as our personal brand.
Click here to read complete article >>>>>>
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sue Scheff: Traverse Legal Radio Talks about Google Bomb Book
I was thrilled to be a guest on Traverse Legal Radio this week!
We talked about Internet Defamation and how it can devastate your business and reputation.
Learn more – click here to read the transcript and listen!
Reminder: Purchase Google Bomb book to learn more about how you can maintain your virtual image! Learn from my mistakes!
We talked about Internet Defamation and how it can devastate your business and reputation.
Learn more – click here to read the transcript and listen!
Reminder: Purchase Google Bomb book to learn more about how you can maintain your virtual image! Learn from my mistakes!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sue Scheff: Give the gift of holiday virtual presence

The who:
* Help jump-start your potential college applicant/application.
* Out of work? Learn to promote your skills online.
* Professional or small business owner? Learn to own and manage your virtual image.
* Out of work? Learn to promote your skills online.
* Professional or small business owner? Learn to own and manage your virtual image.
The why:
•53% of Americans Google each other. Pew Internet & American Life
•26% of college admissions officers use search engines to research candidates. University of Massachusetts Center for Market Research
•64% of teens say that most teens do things online that they wouldn’t want their parents to know about.
•77% of executive recruiters use search engines to research applicants. CareerBuilder
The how:
Tip 1: Check out your social networking sites. If there is information or photo’s on there you wouldn’t share with your grandparents, chances are they shouldn’t be on the Internet. Keep it clean!
Tip 2: Sign up for personal branding services. This is free. Services such as Naymz, Ziggs, LinkedIn and LookUpPage offer free online profile set-ups. Take the time to create your cyber resume. It is important to own your own name and your own background.
Tip 3: Create your own Blog. There are many free Blog sites such as Blogspot and WordPress. Take the time to let your potential college or employer see that you are enthusiastic about your interests and motivated to be all you can be. If you are a professional or business owner, let your future and current clientele see that you are up-to-date and knowledgeable about your products and services. [For example and]
Tip 4: Create Google Alerts for your name, business name and nicknames. This is free. Find out when, how and why your name is being use online. This vital for small businesses especially. If there is a disgruntled client or customer, you want to know and hopefully can rectify the situation before it gets worse.
Here are three tips that have limited fees:
Tip 5: Buy your own URL with your name. For example mine is . This can be as little as $7.99 a year through GoDaddy. Build yourself a small website and share with people surfing and researching the web about yourself.
Tip 6: Place your name. Literally you can give the gift of PLACE YOUR NAME with a professional service for as little as $49.95 one time fee. Let them position your name in the search engines, write a press release for you and more. All for one low fee.
Tip 7: Hire an online management service. Although there are many to choose from today, my personal experience is with ReputationDefender. If you know someone that is struggling with online slime, or simply needs a virtual presence or “online make-over“ and doesn’t have the time or the computer savvy to create their cyber image, consider giving them a gift of relief with an online management service. PS: This is also a great gift to give yourself. In my opinion and experience, Reputation Defender is the pioneer of online reputation management services and number one in my book. (I am not a paid sponsor for them and I don’t receive any referral fees from them) I am simply a satisfied client. Costs vary according to your needs. Visit for their many services, as well as NameGrab, their latest addition.
Do you want more tips and practical guidance to help maintain your cyber profile? Don’t forget to purchase Google Bomb, The Untold Story of the $11.3M Verdict That Changed the Way We Use the Internet (Health Communications, Inc. August 2009). This book makes the perfect gift for everyone and anyone that uses the Internet, owns a business, has a reputation to protect, applying to schools, looking for jobs and more.
No one is immune to having their Internet image ruined. So for this holiday season, give a present that gives you or the recipient a ‘presence’.
Remember it can take 20 years to build up a solid reputation and today it can take 20 minutes of a few vicious keystrokes and a click of the mouse, and those 20 years are history.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sue Scheff: Wall Street Journal Shares My Story

I was thrilled to be part of Columnist Elizabeth Bernstein's articlein the Wall Street Journal - The Dark Side of 'Webtribution'. She also listed my tips to help protect yourself online as well as wrote a fantastic column about what keystrokes can do to lives!
Click here to read her article dated 12/01/09.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sue Scheff: Cyberstalking and Internet Defamation Documentary – MUST WATCH!

For everyone and anyone that is reading this, you usethe Internet. I recently watch the most compelling and disturbing documentary. I almost feel like Oprah when I say – you have to watch this! I have never been so moved to anger, rage, and other emotions that we are now confronted with because of monsters that lurk online.
My recent book, Google Bomb, is the tip of the iceberg after watching this film. The victims, and now crusaders, in this film contacted me after hearing about my book and my own experiences.
Many people that have read my book say they have nightmares if they read it before going to bed. I never really understood that. Until I watched this documentary and lived it through other’s lives. My story is horrible, what I endured, however since I was so enmeshed in surviving on a daily basis, I didn’t realize how traumatic it was.
I know many of you have limited time. Watch this 50 minute film in segments if you have to, but watch it.
The title is “Stalkers” however I would prefer to use a phrase that was recently introduced to me – “criminals with a keyboard.”
This film shares two stories with you. One with Graham Brown-Martin (pictured above) and his lovely wife, Wren as well as their toddler daughter and the other with a man, Chay, who in one weak moment had a one night stand that takes obsession to a new level. If there was ever a “Fatal Attraction” through the Internet, we have found it. However, unlike the Hollywood movie, Chay literally only had a one night stand, no strings attached. He never heard again from her until months later, and it would be the worse next years of his life.
Are you ready to watch?
Don’t miss a minute of it! Visit Digital Safety for more information.
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